Understanding ourselves: mistakes, mediocrity, mindfulness!

Roshan Mishra
2 min readDec 28, 2020

We are a fascinating kind! Trying all our lives to abide by a fixed set of rules, societal norms of right and wrong, but anyway ending up where we had no intentions of going in the first place.

To think of it, a lot in our lives isn’t controlled solely by our activities like we’d want to think. Like it or not, these drivers of change limit the influence we leverage on ourselves. By large, we know all of this, but having the most sophisticated brain amongst our ancestral competitors doesn’t help. Yes, we are control freaks. And of course, overthinking about the “future” is something we do to become better versions of our present selves. Sounds reasonable! Yup, try to convince ourselves too. What we do is for the better. Most of the times. The other few occasions are when emotions like guilt and denial clout our mind. All that being said, what I am trying to convey here is the simple scientific concept of relativity in our everyday lives.

We forget to factor this simple fact into our dealings. This, in turn, can help reduce our sufferings to a great extent. Don’t we all want to lead a more fulfilled life?

I think we’ll be more at peace if we realize that relativity shrouds us through and through. Things are always in motion, and might be meant to happen, we can only do so much. Therefore, lets do what we can, while we can without thinking of what ifs and what not’s. Try not to make overanalyzing our Achilles heel. There is and always will be millions and more, better than you in diverse aspects, and vice versa.

The pertinent question we should ask ourselves is- What’s this better we are after? Is being mediocre a hindrance to us, be it mentally or physically? Are we at peace? With our inner selves? Forget the comparisons, the stigma. Mistakes are omnipresent, so are its definitions. Remember how everything’s relative?

Hence, when we practice mindfulness, lets try and understand ourselves better rather than delving on what would look better from the outside. Try and achieve what you always wanted to, but not everything. Take strides in your life, for yourself. Cause you are your only absolute.

